It does this by inhibiting your antidiuretic hormone — a hormone that’s used by the body to protect against dehydration. This hormone encourages your body to collect concentrated fluid in the kidneys and bladder, before peeing it out. If you’re able to quit or reduce your alcohol consumption while you’re in your 20s, your skin in your 30s, 40s and beyond will thank you. That said, it’s never too late to start making healthier decisions, and Dry January may be the perfect time to start. “Keep in mind that consuming the same volume of a drink with a lower alcohol content like beer or wine will have less alcohol than the same amount of liquor,” Cices said.

The amount of alcohol you consume will influence the symptoms you experience. As for your muscles, when drinking too much alcohol for an extended period of time, you can experience muscle stiffness and cramping… or even lose muscle mass. Studies reveal that adult men and women should drink no more than four standard drinks on any one occasion.

Does Alcohol Cause Inflammation? More Than You Might Think.

Most notably, those who drink excessively or in large quantities may lose crucial nutrients in their body. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy comes with a greater risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome. This condition can cause permanent defects, brain damage, and growth problems. A good example of this is that researchers have observed a subset of people who experience intoxication without experiencing any of alcohol’s next-day effects, regardless of what or how much they have to drink. But while we know these lucky people exist, scientists have no idea why this is the case, nor can they find any appreciable difference between these people and the general population. Shockingly, the science is unequivocal and clear – and has been so for decades.

But you can certainly ensure you are as hydrated as possible before consuming alcohol. You can also drink water before you go to bed to help replenish hydration levels. Alcoholism and nutrition: a review of vitamin supplementation and treatment Alcohol dehydrates you, and it’s crucial to drink plenty of water and replenish electrolytes after consuming alcoholic beverages to restore optimal fluid balance.

How to Avoid Alcohol Dehydration

Alcohol consumption can also impair the body’s ability to regulate its temperature. This is because alcohol can affect the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature. Dehydration can increase the risk of heat stroke, especially when combined with exposure to hot and humid environments, such as in a crowded bar or nightclub. Although alcohol does not cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), drinking in large quantities can worsen symptoms and cause a number of issues. For instance, excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to a weakened immune system, a loss of nutrients, and bad sleeping habits. These can all exacerbate RLS and make symptoms more frequent and severe.

does alcohol dehydrate you