When you or a loved one has been through a rehabilitation program and relapsed, it can be emotionally challenging to try becoming sober again. Each time you or your loved one relapses, it can hurt your confidence to move forward and continue reaching your recovery goals at the foundation. That is where a sober coach will step in and help you or your loved one.
What is a Sober Coach?
Before you can determine if a sober coach is appropriate for your situation, it is important to understand what a sober coach is and how that individual can help you or your loved one reach your goals.
A sober coach is a professional in substance abuse treatment who helps you reach your recovery and sobriety goals after you complete a treatment program. They work on developing a personalized plan to help keep you or your loved one on track through the first days after treatment so that it is possible to learn better strategies to avoid the temptation to use drugs or alcohol.
Depending on your situation, they may also move in with the individual to provide 24 hour support for a one to two month period of time.
The strategies that a sober coach may use to help you or your loved one stay sober after treatment include:
- Keeping you away from tempting situations
- Going with you, regardless of the location
- Finding motivating factors to keep you on track to reach your recovery goals
- Using tough love strategies when it is necessary
- Giving you one-on-one care and support
- Offering sound advice
- Running interference when you may relapse
- Teaching you how to deal with triggers that may make drugs or alcohol tempting
Recovery takes time and a sober coach is a professional who recognizes that each individual has different needs. By working with a coach, you will have a personalized plan to keep you on track until you can stay away from drugs or alcohol.
Hiring Options
Depending on your situation, you may be able to hire a sober coach to stay with you for 24 hours a day or to work with you for one hour per day. The decision will depend on your situation. For example, if you just need sound advice and an occasional harsh word to keep you away from substance abuse, then spending an hour or two with a coach may help.
If you are worried that you will not be able to get through the transition from treatment to your normal life, then hiring a coach for 24 hours a day may be a better choice.
Who Can Benefit?
Although a sober coach can help, it is not the best option for every individual. If you have a co-occurring disorder, then a sober coach might not be able to help. A sober coach specializes in sobriety, but does not necessarily have the training to handle a mental health disorder. If you have relapsed on drugs or alcohol in the past, then a sober coach can be an important part of reaching your recovery goals.
A sober coach is an individual who can help you reach recovery and sobriety by teaching you how to avoid triggers, handle temptations and step away from drugs or alcohol in your life.